Compatible replacement for HP C1823DE. Page Yield or Volume @ 5% coverage will be approx 690. This is a Ink Cartridge. Prices exclude VAT and delivery. All products are covered by a 1 year warranty and next day replacement service. Name and numbers are for indicative purposes only. All products are non-original/non-OEM. FITS: Color Copier 140, 140 Series, 145, 150, 150 Series, 155, 160, 170, 180, 190, 260, 270, 280, DeskJet 1120 C, 1120 CSE, 1120 CXI, 1125 C, 1180 C, 1180 CSE, 1180 CXI, 710 C, 710 Series, 712 C, 720 C, 720 Series, 722 C, 810 C, 812 C, 815 C, 830 C, 830 Series, 832 C, 880 C, 880 Series, 882 C, 890 C, 890 CSE, 890 CXI, 890 Series, 895 CSE, 895 CXI, OfficeJet Pro 1170 C, 1170 CSE, 1170 CXI, 1175 C, 1175 CSE, 1175 CXI, OfficeJet R 40, 40 XI, 45, 60, 65, 80, 80 XI, OfficeJet T 45, 45 XI, 65, 65 XI, PSC 500, 500 CXI, 500 Series, 500 XI